'''ps_draw_circles1.py draw circles with PySide (public PyQT) tested with PySide474 and Python27/Python33 take a screen shot (PRTSC key) with LightShot from http://app.prntscr.com/ and get an internet link to the display http://prntscr.com/kw6b6 ''' from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * from PyQt4 import QtCore from PyQt4 import QtGui import threading import time import random def randomcolor(): colorArr = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'] color = "" for i in range(6): color += colorArr[random.randint(0,14)] return "#"+color def update_circle_color(mySig): while (True): time.sleep(2) mySig.signal_update_switch_state.emit(1, 0, 1, 0) pass class MySignal(QObject): signal_update_switch_state = pyqtSignal(int, int, int, int) class DrawCircles(QWidget): def __init__(self, parent=None): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) # setGeometry(x_pos, y_pos, width, height) self.setGeometry(0, 40, 258, 30) self.setWindowTitle('Draw circles') self.first_circle = 0 self.second_circle = 0 self.third_circle = 0 self.fourth_circle = 0 def updateCircleValues(self, first_circle, second_circle, third_circle, fourth_circle): self.first_circle = first_circle self.second_circle = second_circle self.third_circle = third_circle self.fourth_circle = fourth_circle self.update() def paintEvent(self, event): paint = QPainter() paint.begin(self) paint.setPen(QColor(QtCore.Qt.white)) # paint.setBrush((QtCore.Qt.green if self.first_circle == 1 else QtCore.Qt.red)) paint.setBrush(QColor(randomcolor())) paint.drawEllipse(0, 10, 15, 15); # paint.setBrush((QtCore.Qt.green if self.second_circle == 1 else QtCore.Qt.red)) paint.setBrush(QColor(randomcolor())) paint.drawEllipse(20, 10, 15, 15); # paint.setBrush((QtCore.Qt.green if self.third_circle == 1 else QtCore.Qt.red)) paint.setBrush(QColor(randomcolor())) paint.drawEllipse(40, 10, 15, 15); # paint.setBrush((QtCore.Qt.green if self.fourth_circle == 1 else QtCore.Qt.red)) paint.setBrush(QColor(randomcolor())) paint.drawEllipse(60, 10, 15, 15); paint.end() # paint.begin(self) # # optional # paint.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) # # make a white drawing background # paint.setBrush(Qt.white) # paint.drawRect(event.rect()) # # for circle make the ellipse radii match # radx = 100 # rady = 100 # # draw red circles # paint.setPen(Qt.red) # for k in range(125, 220, 10): # center = QPoint(k, k) # # optionally fill each circle yellow # paint.setBrush(Qt.yellow) # paint.drawEllipse(center, radx, rady) # paint.end() app = QApplication([]) mySig = MySignal() circles = DrawCircles() circles.show() mySig.signal_update_switch_state.connect(circles.updateCircleValues) t1 = threading.Thread(target=update_circle_color, args=(mySig,)) t1.start() app.exec_()