
原创文章,转载请注明: 转载自勤奋的小青蛙
本文链接地址: Qt设置应用程序图标

在Windows下,发布Qt应用程序时,如果需要给exe程序添加图标,可以参考Qt creator自带的Qt assistant的文档里查找,在索引里面搜索"Setting the Application Icon"即可.如下图所示:


First, create an ICO format bitmap file that contains the icon image. This can be done with e.g. Microsoft Visual C++: Select File|New, then select the File tab in the dialog that appears, and choose Icon. (Note that you do not need to load your application into Visual C++; here we are only using the icon editor.)

Store the ICO file in your application's source code directory, for example, with the name myappico.ico. Then, create a text file called, say, myapp.rc in which you put a single line of text:

IDI_ICON1               ICON    DISCARDABLE     "myappico.ico"

Finally, assuming you are using qmake to generate your makefiles, add this line to your myapp.pro file:

RC_FILE = myapp.rc

Regenerate your makefile and your application. The .exe file will now be represented with your icon in Explorer.

If you do not use qmake, the necessary steps are: first, run the rc program on the .rc file, then link your application with the resulting .res file.

原创文章,转载请注明: 转载自勤奋的小青蛙
本文链接地址: Qt设置应用程序图标




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